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Gateway Builder's Conference/AGM 2024

The Nigerian Institute of Building (NIOB), Ogun State Chapter, cordially requests your attendance at its GATEWAY BUILDERS CONFERENCE/AGM 2024.

Theme: Building Professional Practices and Sustainable Wealth Creation.

Tuesday 29th – Wednesday 30th October, 2024.

10am to 6pm daily.

Members are to pay the conference link by clicking the button below:

The Nigerian Institute of Building(NIOB)

The Nigerian Institute of Building (NIOB) is the only government-approved professional body for those engaged or about to be engaged in the building profession in Nigeria.

NIOB has its origin in a parent body called the Builders’ Society, which was formed in 1834 by a number of prominent Builders in London. However, it was not until November 30, 1969 that the name, Nigerian Institute of Building (NIOB) was adopted.

The Nigerian Institute of Building
Ogun State Chapter

The Nigerian Institute of Building, Ogun State Chapter, also known as The Gateway Chapter was birthed in 1990 by some Builders at the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro. 

Bldr. (Rev) David A. Anibaba was the chapter’s first chairman. The department of Building Technology of the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro served as the secretariat of the chapter until 1994 when Bldr. Gilbert O. Banjo became the chapter’s chairman and moved the secretariat to the state capital in Abeokuta.

Since its formation, the Gateway Chapter has had seventeen chairmen till date. The current chairman is Bldr. Ademola Olufemi Adeleke.

Executive Members

Every two years, the Gateway Chapter (Ogun Chapter) of the NIOB elects new set of executive members to steer the ship of the Institute. Please find below the current executive members for 2023 – 2025.

NIOB Ogun Chapter's Subscription Fees

Become an active member by paying/renewing your annual subscription fees.

Annual Dues

Annual Dues are classified according to individuals' membership levels.

Development Levies

Chapter's Development Levy and Website Development Levy.


Builders' Day, Chapter's Workshop, Chapter's AGM

Our members are prominent leaders at the national level from 1967 till date.

Come join us today and give your building career a huge advantage. NIOB, Ogun State Chapter boasts of seasoned professionals in the building profession. You would love it here. 

0 +
Years of Existence

Since 1990

0 +
Registered Members

From Student Membership to Fellow Membership

Our Events

Builders' Day

A week-long event to sensitize the general public about the Building profession and to promote the campaign to end incessant building collapse.

State Chapter's Workshop

Workshops and Seminars are organised occassionally to update professionals on recent developments and innovations in their field of practice.

State Chapter's AGM

Our Annual General Meeting is the gathering of all Ogun State Chapter members where we meet to brainstorm and educate ourselves on salient issues with regards to the industry.

Monthly Meetings

Our Monthly General Meeting holds every second Tuesday of the month at Builders' Centre, Ministry of Works, Quarry Road, Abeokuta.

Place Your Adverts Here

Put your business in the eyes of thousands of people by advertising with us. For more information, please send us a mail at info@niobogun.org

Recent Posts

All thanks to the Almighty God for His benevolence towards Gateway Builders: the NIOB Ogun State chapter. I specially want to appreciate the immediate past executives for their tremendous achievements in the past two years.

1) A practising Builder is a manager…..whether he is a contractor or a consultant. Even as a contractor, he does not mix cement with his own hands neither does he cut woods for form work. Rather, he manages his supervisors who, in turn, direct the artisans.

To be fair, Lagos and Ogun States come first on the list when you talk of states that are responsive to averting building collapse, based on what they have done and what they are trying to do. Although some other states are trying to also come on board, in that regard.